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Six Days Until PiratePalooza™ Six

In 6 days the streets of Decatarrrr, Georgia, will run red with rum and beer (and maybe a little sweet tea) as the Sixth Annual Official PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing pulls into harbor! Come and join Captain Drew and his motley band of pirate pals on Saturday, Septembarrrr the 18th as they bear down upon the unsuspecting pubs of Decatarrr and face down the ghost of the town’s namesake : Commodore Stephen Decatarrrr. Keep a weather eye turned to our pubcrawl tab and follow Captain Drew on Twitarrrr for more information! {our apologies about this update, our computarrrr’s rrrrrrrrr key is a litle sticky. With BLOOD!!! (kool-aid, actually)}


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