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Famous Stanley and the Dragon Kong Nerds

Stanley (Stan Lee) at Dragon Con 2017 courtesy Cathyrn Lyons

I have made the acquaintance of a quite a few nerds over the years – my crew is largely comprised of them – and boy do they get excited whenever the “Dragon Kong” rolls around. It’s all they talk about. There’s a few things that really get them really really cranked up: things like Death Pool, that fancy lad John Barleyman in his super-short breeches, garments made from an old rug (they say it really tied the hotel together), and anything practically anything that lights up.

The one thing I don’t understand is why they get all excited about this feller name of “Stanley”.

“Stanley, Stanley, Stanely – I just saw Stanley!!!” is exactly the sort of thing they say to me.

“Captain, you’re a super hero, do you know Stanley?”

No, nerds, I do not know Stanley.

But I’ll tell you: I finally got to see this Stanley character and he ain’t nothing more than an old codger!!!

What’s he got that I ain’t got?

Why do nerds like him?

Why do they stand in line for hours to see him?

Why do they pay him just to be in a portrait with him?

Stanley, what is your secret?

Please let me know.

Thank you.


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