12 Sep 2012
2012 PiratePalooza™ Sponsors
I’m so very proud of the sponsors for my 8th Annual PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl & Pubsing and wanted to tell you all about them, because how many companies do YOU know what be willing to endorse piracy in this day and age?? May it be writ in the big book of piracy that Onyx Consulting, Oz Publishing, and The Guy Behind the Camera should find favor with all of you heathen sea dogs and wanton wenches in your daily affairs.
Oz Publishing has been a sponsor of my PiratePalooza™ since its earliest days, possibly even earlier than that. The lads and lassies at Onyx provide consultant services to small businesses and large ones too – they’ve a raft full of endorsements from advertising firms like BBDO to autocarriage manufacturers like General Motors. In addition to their knowledgeable consulting staff they provide computer repairs at competitive prices, from PCs to Apple products. They’re an authorized Apple repair center and are a terrific alternative to waiting in line at the Apple Store. Finally, they give back to their community with The Onyx Consulting Foundation, whose mission is to provide consistent and significant funding for organizations assisting women & children in crisis to include: The Dekalb Rape Crisis Center & The YMCA Partner With Youth Program. The funds are raised through the discounted sale of “OCF Certified” computers and related equipment donated by their generous clientele and the general public. When you purchase a machine from the OCF, you take action with them to help beat back the tide of human suffering and become part of the solution.
Oz Publishing, Inc. produces print and online periodicals and directories for and about the visual communication industry, which you may know better simply as “the movie business”. Oz is well known throughout the southeast for their motion picture industry source book, which provides a listing of specialists from pre-production to principal photography to post-production. The high-quality award winning Oz Magazine emphasizes Oz Publishing’s dedication to motion picture production in the southeast and is available for free at a variety of locations including Manuel’s Tavern, Plaza Theatre, the Righteous Room, Showcase Video, the Clark-Atlanta University Library, EUE/Screen Gems Studios, Raleigh Studios, Panavision, Sam Flax and many, many, many, many more dynamic places around Atlanta.
The Guy Behind the Camera is a collective of photographers dedicated to and specializing in creatively capturing events and aren’t happy unless they’re nailed the shot that nobody else could have imagined. Their photographers specialize in event photography, including convention, civic/community, wedding from a documentary or photojournalistic style, as well as traditional portrait and fashion – and they love to experiment. If your project captures the interest of The Guy Behind the Camera they’ll work with you to capture your event in ways you might not have considered but will undoubtedly love. You may in fact have seen The Guy Behind the Camera at popular Atlanta events like Dragon*Con, so be sure to visit their online gallery to see what they’ve been up to lately – you might even want to purchase a print!