2024 PiratePalooza Schedule

This is the complete schedule for the 20th Annual PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing, to be held on Saturday, Octobarrrr 5th, 2024 – Captains: share it with your crews!

We WILL be producing 20th Anniversary Shirts AFTER the Palooza, the design will be revealed in late October. We will be taking online orders with shipping direct to you, and there will NOT be a second run so don’t miss out!

We are VERY excited to announce that this year we will be hosting several additional events around town, to celebrate 20 years of you, the PiratePalooza family. We hope that you will stay tuned and be able to attend at least one of these! And finally, what you’ve been waiting for…

It has become increasingly difficult to invade the port city of Decatarrrr over the past 20 years, and up until tonight all the pieces were not quite in place. But here we are now, time to share the Invasion Plan!!

PiratePalooza #20 (2024): The Invasion Plan

Let’s go ahead and saw off your pegleg now and get it over with – the Brick Store Pub will NOT be a stop on the route for PiratePalooza 20. The restaurant is previously engaged for a private event so we will shake things up a bit this year and add in an extra shore party to make things interesting. (Please do visit the Brick Store Pub on another occasion, as it is a fine establishment with great food and drink and we’ve made many wonderful memories there in the past)

Here is the schedule for the 20th Annual PiratePalooza:

  • 1:30pm – 3:30pm – Twain’s Brewpub & Billiards
  • 3:30pm – 3:45pm – Invasion March
  • 3:45pm – 4:30pm – The Virginia Reel
  • 4:00pm – 6:00pm – O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub
  • 5:00pm – 6:00pm – Shore Party!
  • 7:00pm – 10:00pm – Pub Sing at Wild Heaven

Please Hydrate!

Temperatures should be cooler this time of the year, but grog and ale and porter and rum can sneak up on a person if they ain’t careful, so be sure to HYDRATE for week leading up to the event. This means drink lots of water, not soft drinks and sweet teas – it’s a great and easy way to avoid having a bad day.

Twains 1:30pm – 3:30pm

We will assemble at Twain’s Brewpub & Billiards beginning at 1:30pm. This is the point from which our invasion crawl will commence and this year we’re going to stay longer to enjoy the place – a great opportunity to get a bit of food into your belly before the invasion begins!

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A Complete Recap of PiratePalooza 19

PiratePalooza 19 was one of our best ever - look at the size of this opening crowd!

Here’s our recap of PiratePalooza 19!! This year’s event was on Saturday, September 23rd, in the City of Decatarrrr.  This year, PiratePalooza was devoted entirely to the pub crawl, providing our traditional performers a well-deserved vacation. We welcome all of you who joined us in the sacking of the city and invite you to join us again next year for our 20th Anniversary!

Please check out the album of photos by Karen Grayson! (click here)


Preorders Open for Japanese Ghost Pirate Shirt

PiratePalooza introduces the Japanese Ghost Pirate shirt for 2023!

The 19th Annual PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl & Pubsing Legend of the Japanese Ghost Pirate shirts are available for pre-order from the PiratePalooza Gear page until September 30, 2023. This year’s dynamic design captures the mystery of the era of the Japanese Ghost Pirate.

This year’s souvenir shirts will ship in OCTOBER.

Important Note for Facebook mobile users: To avoid issues with the Facebook mobile app’s built-in browser please be sure to visit the PiratePalooza Gear page directly from a standard web browser (examples: Safari for iPhone users, Chrome for Android users).  Simply type in  www.piratepalooza.com/gear and proceed as usual.

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PiratePalooza: The Legend of the Ghost Pirate

The 19th Annual PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing will take place this year on September 23rd! This year we remember the Legend of the Ghost Pirate, who has long watched over the seas of Japan. Ghost Pirate will be commemorated in this year’s shirt, the design for which we are revealing today!

In the small coastal village of Mizu no Kuni, nestled between rugged cliffs and the vast expanse of the sea, whispers of a legendary figure had circulated for generations. The Japanese Ghost Pirate was said to haunt these waters, an enigmatic specter that emerged from the depths to reclaim lost treasures and wreak havoc upon those who dared to cross his path.

On a stormy evening, a young fisherman named Hiro found himself alone at sea, his boat battered by the fierce winds and crashing waves. As the tempest raged, he glimpsed an eerie silhouette on the horizon, a ship with tattered sails gliding effortlessly through the tumultuous waters. Fear washed over Hiro as he knew the tales, and the chilling realization struck him – the Ghost Pirate had come for him.

As the phantom vessel approached, Hiro’s heart pounded in his chest. But to his surprise, instead of a malevolent crew of undead sailors, a solitary figure emerged from the mist. The Ghost Pirate was unlike any other pirate Hiro had imagined. Tall and imposing, he wore a ragged kimono and had a weathered, solemn expression.

With a resonant voice, the Ghost Pirate spoke, “Why do you brave these treacherous seas, young one? Turn back before it’s too late.”

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The Questionable Coronation of Captain Drew

Controversy roils rennies as people ask "Does Newcastle have a new King??" - this exclusive content was provided by a group committed to dethroning King Captain Drew as quickly as possible.

On April 29th, 2019, Captain Drew (space pirate) announced his candidacy for King of Newcastle against the incumbent King (“2 Door Hank”) Henry VIII. The Captain rushed through a questionable coronation ceremony at the Tavern on the Hill on the very last day of festival.

That ceremony arguably made him the new King of Newcastle at the Georgia Renaissance Festival.

A group dedicated to dethroning “King Captain” Drew has exclusively provided us with footage.

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King Drew Declares Seashells “New Money”

In a surprise announcement that literally no one saw coming, Captain “King” Drew has declared that seashells will become the “New Money” of Newcastle.

Here’s what we know so far:

Early Friday morning Captain Drew was rescued from a portable toilet in the “France” section of the Georgia Renaissance Festival, where he had been trapped since Wednesday while preparing for a “fresh conference” with the citizens of Necastle.

Image of rescue workers from Newcastle attending to Captain Drew who has been trapped in a portable toilet for 2 days.

Media sources around the village report that they were unaware of any planned speeches, and had not assigned any serf-reporters to attend the Captain’s event.

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The Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular

I recently returned from a glorious 5-day stay at the Duchamp-Dubois Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular* in Riverdale, Georgia, in the soggy marsh in the woods just past the ramshackle train depot behind the Krispy Kreme. The directions are far too complicated to post here, but if you know about it you are a special boy.

That’s what my mom says, anyway.

Captain Kingston Drew at the Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular in Riverdale, Georgia.
Captain Kingston Drew at the Sexy Squish Spectacular in Riverdale, Georgia

My wanderings through the village of Saxony Saxaphrage ‘pon the Squish (Sexy Squish to those in the know) are documented in photographs in this blog post. I captured these images with my new motion picture attachment for the rPlank, and I claim all glory for these images, which I have discovered is not a particularly profitable retirement vehicle.

Still, mustn’t grumble.

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Newcastle Repels Fairhaven “Weather” Balloon

Around 2:30pm on Saturday, a large balloon filled with well-wishers from the Kingdom of Fairhaven drifted lazily over the seedy backside of Newcastle, alarming villagers and visitors alike since none of them should have been there during the off season. According to observers, Newcastle “successfully repelled the balloon” that Fairhaven described as being “dedicated to enjoyment of weather” and “really tasty chunks of fried chicken in a tangy yet sweet sauce” and mostly “impressing the ladies down at the canteen”.

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A Complete Recap of PiratePalooza 18

This is a recap of PiratePalooza 18, created to encapsulate the events of the day, because those who attended have no memory of what actually happened.

PiratePalooza 18 took place on September 17th, 2022 in Decatur, Georgia

The 18th running of the PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing happened on Saturday, September 17th, 2022, in the City of Decatarrrr.  PiratePalooza 18 represented a festive return to live-action piracy, following the long, strange period that included Curse of the Commodore (PP2020) and Grog Quest (PP2021).

There were many smiles to be seen at PiratePalooza 18, though not as many teeth.

This year marked the arrival of fresh pirates, many from the shores of Newcastle. We welcome all of you who joined us in the sacking of the city and hope that you will consider joining us once again in Septembarrrr of 2023 (final date to be announced).

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Commemorative PiratePalooza Mutiny Pin

Exciting News! To memorialize this year’s PiratePalooza Pubsing & Pubcrawl, Captain Drew has commissioned a very special commemorative PiratePalooza Mutiny pin. The pin features the PiratePalooza Mutiny logo in shiny red enamel with silver details.

These limited edition 1-inch wide pins with magnetic-backing will be available for $10 each in person.

We only made 100 of these pins, so when they’re gone, they’re gone!

Next week we’ll announce online ordering instructions, if any stock remains.

Captain Drew will be able to accept PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and the real $10 Bill app.

No more than 5 of the commemorative PiratePalooza Mutiny pin per customer, please.

Please don’t ask us how Captain Drew will be able to sell these trinkets while he is being held prisoner.

It’s easier not to ask too many questions, honestly.
