22 Mar 2023
The Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular
I recently returned from a glorious 5-day stay at the Duchamp-Dubois Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular* in Riverdale, Georgia, in the soggy marsh in the woods just past the ramshackle train depot behind the Krispy Kreme. The directions are far too complicated to post here, but if you know about it you are a special boy.
That’s what my mom says, anyway.
My wanderings through the village of Saxony Saxaphrage ‘pon the Squish (Sexy Squish to those in the know) are documented in photographs in this blog post. I captured these images with my new motion picture attachment for the rPlank, and I claim all glory for these images, which I have discovered is not a particularly profitable retirement vehicle.
Still, mustn’t grumble.
As with Newcastle, down Fairburn way, I enjoyed discounted entry to the festivities. Walking backwards through the exit may be an old trick where I’m from, but the guards never suspected a thing. Here is a photo of those guards.
My first encounter with a performer happened when I spied a lost member of the Birdbrained Bards, nervously picking his way through a crowd. He was slightly depressed and profoundly intoxicated.
The Toucan Triplets were performing up on a stage near the whiz rockets.
They warmed up the crowd with a bawdy joke and a 15 minute description of their latest DVD, available for purchase immediately after the 15 minute description. I could not tell if the crowd was excited or enraged.
Next, I met a pirate by the name of Tommy Hands.
Boy, and I though that Birdbrained Bard was drunk!!
As I attempted to barter with a wench for a hamburger on a stick, I was assaulted by Eddie the Redbird, brandishing some sort of ethnic percussive.
He had one of them Upper Sheepland accents that nobody can figure out.
I tried throwing my beer on him, which has always worked in the past, but his buddy “Steve the Bird” showed up brandishing a string-covered box on a stick. It almost looked like he knew how to use it, too.
Of course I ran, wouldn’t you?
I snuck past a sleepy guard…
…and ran across a field where Sir Birdlescombe was lining up…
…to run sticks against young Sassy Groverton McStreet.
I made it into the guard room and switched into a disguise so that I could hide in plain sight until I could figure out how to get back to the tea room, on the back side of the Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular.
But my luck was running bad, as usual.
Bernard the Guard spotted me from across the jussling field and ran over to apprehend me.
The Blue Queen seemed really nervous. She probably hasn’t met many celebrities of my standing.
Because she knows that I won the election back at Newcastle and am the new King over there.
They still threw me out, but golly I had such a good time at the Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular.
And I ate some cookies.
But that’s another story.
If there is any interest I will post a review of the Pigeon Coffee Hut in a future blog post.
Until then,
I am as always,
Your pal,
Captain Drew
* This event may not exist in your universe. Any conflicts with existing Muppet Spectaculars should defer to the legal precedents of your reality, and Captain Kingston Drew should not be held liable as he does not even fully exist in any particular universe.