Posted in: GARF, Reviews. Comments Off on The Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular
I recently returned from a glorious 5-day stay at the Duchamp-Dubois Lower Middle Late Saxon Muppet Spectacular* in Riverdale, Georgia, in the soggy marsh in the woods just past the ramshackle train depot behind the Krispy Kreme. The directions are far too complicated to post here, but if you know about it you are a special boy.
That’s what my mom says, anyway.
Captain Kingston Drew at the Sexy Squish Spectacular in Riverdale, Georgia
My wanderings through the village of Saxony Saxaphrage ‘pon the Squish (Sexy Squish to those in the know) are documented in photographs in this blog post. I captured these images with my new motion picture attachment for the rPlank, and I claim all glory for these images, which I have discovered is not a particularly profitable retirement vehicle.
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, m’hearties! With less than 5 days until the 13th Annual PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl & Pubsing it might be a good idea start polishing up on your pirate history! However, if you’re like most sea devils these days you’re absolutely illiterate (which is why you have someone reading this article to you right now). Continue Reading
Posted in: GARF, Minstrels, Music, Reviews. Comments Off on Landloch’d Releases The Devil’s Own Invention
Yours truly, Captain Drew, was lucky enough to secure an invitation to an exclusive industry launch party for the fifth album by Landloch’d, a duo with a penchant for whiskey and sheep. This latest album is clearly their classiest one yet because it features the band’s mascot Delilah wielding a trident with a heart impaled on its Continue Reading
Posted in: Commerce, Reviews. Comments Off on Billy Bones’ Best Buy on Boots!
In today’s post I’ll attempt to help a mate sell a pair of very special boots…. Whether you know it or not, it’s not easy being a pirate; in fact it’s a rather expensive endeavor – just ask our pal Chad (aka “Billy Bones”), who has recently learned a very expensive lesson about footwear. This most recent season at the Georgia Renaissance Festival Chad finally decided to invest in some quality Continue Reading
Posted in: Minstrels, Music, Reviews. Comments Off on Levin Delivers Exquisite New Album La Luminosa
Last weekend I wandered through the royal court at the Georgia Renaissance Festival and happened upon Rivka Levin of Three Quarter Ale fame playing her harp and singing music from her latest album (a copy of which I purchased after the performance). Rivka’s skill at the harp is well known to regulars of the festival as is her beautiful voice and I’m happy to Continue Reading
Posted in: Music, Reviews. Comments Off on All’s Faire is Splendid Listening
This summer Lady Prudence announced her intention to launch a new album and it came as no surprise that her Kickstarter goal was essentially doubled. I found a few spare groats under the cage of Sir Rocko, my ground parrot, and promptly dropped them in the post to the Lady’s attention, care of somewhere on dry land. Several months later I received a package containing a signed copy of her new album All’s Faire, a very pleasant handwritten note, and a rather torrid love letter Continue Reading
This past weekend I decided that I needed to relax in anticipation of the upcoming 11th Annual PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl & Pubsing, so I called around to my friends hoping one of them was foolish enough to answer their phone and reveal their location to me. In retrospect I rather wish that I stayed on the ship and watched an Alf marathon because I’d have saved myself a rather extensive laundry bill and avoided a shocking case of full-body poison ivy caught from hiding naked in the woods overnight.
At least I can provide a public service to my friends and crew by telling you to STAY AWAY FROM DOUGLASVILLE!!!
Seriously, those people are not messing around out there. If you are for some reason unable or unwilling to consider this general advice (freely given), you should consider my next nugget of more specific advice regarding Douglasville, namely: do NOT go near the haunted hall of terror named Nightmare’s Gate!!!!!!! {}
I’ve been Yelping about some of the restaurants around Atlanta this summer and was deep into a review of Atlantic Station when I ran up against the 5,000 word limit, I mean, 5,000 character limit (thanks Lynn) so I’ve decided to post the full body of that 1-Star review here for those who are interested…..
Atlantic Station, how my dreams art shattered ‘pon thy formerly blighty brownfields.
Once I dreamt of you in your blowzy high-collared finery, your pendulous breasts swinging, um, I mean your capacious parking structures rising…. your skirts hiked gloriously high above the thrice-cursed land of Atlantic Steel. You were to be our shining star of urban renewal and Continue Reading
This past weekend PiratePalooza alumna Juliana Finch held a CD release party at the Red Light Cafe in Midtown Atlanta for the debut of her newest album “How To Take The Fall” [now available at]. See how our guest music reviewer, renowned fancypants Lieutenant Lewellyn “Farnsy” Middleworth of the Queen’s Own Music Brigade, takes the fall with a satisfying bite from those most tempting of apples: love, and Juliana Finch. Album review after the break! Continue Reading
In Captain Drew’s brief but astonishing career no finer band has crossed the dusty boards of the Brewer’s Pub stage than a trio of traveling minstrels what go by the name of “Three Quarter Ale“. The musical alchemy of Ariana Pellayle, Rosemary Quench and Wicked Pete Speakeasy delivers Renalicious gold, set after set, week after week, festival after festival. And once, once in a very blue moon, they produce a new album. Don’t look now, but there be a blue moon shining on a fantastic new album what be called “Intertwined”. Order the well-produced CD from CD Baby or a virtual copy from iTunes so you can put it on your rPod today! Continue Reading