7 Sep 2007
Meet Our 2007 Sponsors!!
I’m very proud to announce this year’s sponsors for PiratePalooza™ 2007. From professional IT services to seafood restaurants, this is a lineup that sets a space pirate like Captain Drew grinning from ear to ear. Please take a few moments to read about these great companies and the services they offer. Tell ’em that Captain Drew sent you!
Onyx Consulting
These are the guys that the professionals call to administer, install and repair their computer and networking equipment. Onyx Consulting may not have a name that sounds like an adolescent network-television mid-season replacement series like you might see at some big-box electronics retailers (you know who I’m talking about)…. and they may not drive fruity looking cars heroically emblazoned with shrinkwrap graphics in an attempt to elevate themselves (and their billing rates) beyond the status of computer nerds. No, all the people at Onyx Consulting have is experience, technical expertise and shy, geeky smiles.
Captain Drew insists on buying all of his computers from Onyx Consulting, even if he doesn’t know how to use them. Are you a Mac user? Onyx Consulting is a licensed Apple sales and repair center. On the (fairly regular) occasion that the Captain spills rum down his Oxford Chipset the lads at Onyx spring to, right sharp, with verve and gusto (the actual names of two of their employees) and have him up and running again in no time flat.
Onyx Consulting: the official repair center of the rPhone™.
Nathalie’s Fish House
In a head-smacking, “why didn’t we think of this before?” match made in Palooza Heaven, we’re very proud to introduce the seafood restaurant Nathalie’s Fish House as a sponsor for this year’s PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl! Literally twenty paces from this year’s kick-off spot, this year we plan to take in lunch (see menu) with Nathalie before the festivities get into full deck-tilting swing. I’ll have more information about this pre-Palooza lunch event very soon, but for the moment type “Lunch at Captain Drew’s Table” into your rPhones™!!
The Boswell Gallery
The Boswell Gallery has once again volunteered to serve as the kickoff point for this year’s PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl, providing refreshments and a mini-festival ground! Like last year, Captain “Trust a Pirate” Matt and the sexy all-girl crew of the ThePirateShip.com will be set up outside, selling fine swords, authentic cutlasses and an endlessly exciting array of pure pirate paraphernalia. Inside the gallery, the work of YouTube’s pirate artist Rusty Anchor will be on display, and somewhere in-between we’ll begin this music-filled day with some music by a couple of pirate bands (to be announced). Thank you Boswell Gallery!!
We greatly appreciate WhateverUnique’s contribution of CGI graphics to this year’s PiratePalooza Adventure Series and welcome them as a sponsor for the 2007 PiratePalooza™ event! WhateverUnique’s unique architectural visualization services are going to very hot in 2008… stay tuned to WhateverUnique.com for more!