23 Sep 2008
2008 Call for Photo and Video Links
The files are beginning to flow in now. Keep an eye tuned to this site for even more photos and videos as they arrive. Check out the ultra-keen slideshow over on our Flickr pool or else browse the pool manually. Thanks go to all of you Photo Pirates for your wonderful shots from this year’s PiratePalooza™ – you’ve made us look far better than we actually do in real life!! Now we can relive the fun all over again and share the experience with those who were unable to attend.
(Photo by Tempest Fae)
Did you snap a photo or two at this year’s PiratePalooza™??
Perhaps a bit of video for YouTube?
If so, we’d love to see your shots… send us a link! Those photographers among you who are already members of our Flickr Group called “PiratePalooza” are encouraged to upload your photos and add them to the group as soon as the effects of Saturday night’s Palooza wear off.
Posted by Capt. Dapper Dan on 23.09.08 at 2:19 pm
As soon as Capt Black Jack and I finalize our video, we will upload
Posted by Jingles on 23.09.08 at 2:19 pm
Call out! There’s a missing packet of photo’s floating the seas after pirate palooza. It was last seen about 1am at the James Joyce on an outside table near the back (ie, close to the exit/entrance doors 🙂 They are photo’s of a pirate wedding and if anyone finds them, email me or post that you’ve got them. They are dear and we’re searching high and low. Thanks one and all!!! Angela