Posted in: GARF, Pub News. Comments Off on Renaissance at the Georgia Renaissance Festival
As a skilled attendee of the Georgia Renaissance Festicle (GARF) I would like to share with the world at large my excitement at the genuine effort the owners have been putting into spiffing the old place up and marketing her to Atlanta – there’s been a literal “renaissance” at this year’s Renaissance Festicle. In years past GARF’s television spots featured some other bunch of renfest actors from some other faire – this year the spots have featured the actual Georgia cast – and those spots are running online as well – I see them on Facebook every day and have scored discounts to GARF from those online ads when they feature discount codes like Continue Reading
Posted in: Minstrels, PiratePalooza Pubcrawl. 7 Comments
We have one last surprise for you from this year’s PiratePalooza™ and no, it’s not your hamburger (didn’t you hear? they’re still a little behind in the kitchen). No, our little surprise is an “internet album” of pirate-themed music from some of the very same performers you saw on stage at this year’s PiratePalooza™ on Saturday, September 15th!! Best of all? This album is absolutely free and it’s available NOW. That’s right FREE and NOW. You should know that this album was spearheaded and produced by Dolph Amick (one of those bigwig backers of the band Three Quarter Ale) and it was wholeheartedly supported by the kindhearted performers who lent their talents to the creation of this album.
Just because I love my crew (especially the lassies) I’m giving you four routes to get this album (the creation of which I had nothing to do with, mind you)!! – Click on through to get the details, they’re fantastic and EASY… you’ll be listening to music in SECONDS!!!!
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Posted in: Minstrels, PiratePalooza Pubcrawl. Comments Off on PP2007: Booty Music Track 02 – “Captain Kidd”
Track 02 of the PiratePalooza Booty Music album finds that nefarious anarchist Joni Minstrel singing a lovely first person narrative of that prankster of the seven seas, Captain Kidd. Sure he killed a few people… okay, a lot of people… but it’s hard work taking things from other people. Shouldn’t there be some sort of allowances made? Yes? No? Regardless, we think you’ll find that little trouble-maker Joni Minstrel possesses a sweet voice… exactly why you should never turn your back on herrrr! Methinks I smells mutiny afoot…
Posted in: Minstrels, PiratePalooza Pubcrawl. Comments Off on PP2007: Booty Music Track 03 – “Pirate’s Life”
In Track 03 of the PiratePalooza Booty Music album Susan Hickey and Gregg Csikos of the Rambling Sailors grab you round the collar and fling you high to the world of free-booted pirates in this song called “Pirate’s Life”. Look around your sad little cubicle and feel the blood course hot through your veins… take the sea now lads, while there’s still time!