12 Sep 2008
Pubcrawl Route for 2008 (revised)
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2008 ROUTE
We apologize for the late changes to this year’s bloody schedule, but an unexpected squall has blown us off-course! Fortunately, there still be a way to the Palooza what allows us to invade Decatarrrr!!!
Location 1 : Taco Mac (2pm – 3pm)
Why not start at a place what gives you 92 beers on draught and a variety of 200 more in bottles? Sure, they’ve got them nasty loud talking picture boxes all over the wall, but for the variety of ale these folks sport I figure you’ll be cheering for them sissy ball players before you know it!
Location 2 : Eddie’s Attic (3pm – 4pm)
After we stagger up the hill and hang a right at the courthouse we’ll clamber up the stairs to Mister Eddie’s Attic. You must admit that Mister Eddie and his crew have been fantastic to us each and every year we’ve gone there and this year be no exception! They’ll have us some sort of grog and maybe something nice and affordable to nibble on (I said “nibble”). We’re not sure if we’ll have any musicians what can play for us here, but maybe we will!!
Location 3 : The Brick Store Belgian Bar (4pm – 5pm)
Arrive just as they open the Belgian Bar, tumble your way up the stairs and ask for one of their indescribably delicious high-gravity beers, but ONLY if you’ve already arranged for someone to transport your scurvy behind to the next location, The James Joyce, which is over a mile away in Avondale Estates (see the map). Be sure to tip your waiters, and be sure to ask for Greg, who can show you how to “whistle for whiskey”!!
You have ONE hour to get from downtown Decatarrr out to Avondale Estates. Yes, there technically *is* an Avondale MARTA train station, and yes, you could ride from downtown Decatarrr out TO that train station… but you need to know that it’s a 0.5 mile walk between those two points… so while we do encourage you to save fuel and get some exercise, you should consider the comfort of your boots before you begin that route (which won’t be quite as friendly as Decatarrrr). IF you do elect to drive, please make sure that you have a designated driver. Wouldn’t you feel damned silly getting pulled over by a land lubber with a flashy blue lantern on top of his autocarriage?? There is good parking at The James Joyce, but if you arrive late you may need to look for parking in the vicinity and stroll down to join us.
Location 4 : The James Joyce (6pm – 10pm)
The PiratePalooza™ Concert begins around 6pm and builds into the evening, ending around 10pm due to noise ordinances for the folks what live in the neighborhood. This is where you can hear some fantastic seafaring music played live by the bands mentioned in a previous post. Be sure to save back a little money to buy one of their albums, one of the limited-edition PiratePalooza™ shirts and of course a new sword, as your old one may have already gone out of fashion!!™