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Category Listing for: rPlank

rPlank : The Official Survival Guide

rPlank™ : The Official Guide by Captain Drew is now available in full cover softcover (Lulu.com) and eBook format from the Apple iBookstore (Apple iTunes). We’re not kidding here matey, this be an actual book what you may buy for your favorite pirate, just in time for Talk Like a Pirate Day!! The print edition is currently available as a full-color softcover from Lulu.com and will be available later from popular, well-known online retailers. A black & white edition will be released soon for those of you saving your doubloons.

Learn more now, visit the rPlank™ mini-site.


Introducing the rPlank™

Introducing the rPlank™

It’s dangerous, and it smells funny. Introducing the rPlank™ – the best invention since the rPhone™. Learn more now, visit the rPlank™ mini-site.


Famous Gnome Finds Lost Device in Bar

Reports are coming in that Captain Drew, founder of PiratePalooza.com and beloved space pirate, has spent most of the day attempting to persuade a well known kilt-wearing celebrity/photographer to return an “invaluable” first generation prototype of a brand new device, after it was left in a bar Continue Reading
