27 Jun 2008
NASA Recruits Million Man Army of Spies to Invade Moon
Breaking news from the world of space piracy!! Fast on the heels of their recent invasion of Mars, your planet’s space warfare organization, NASA, has assembled an army of Earth-born invaders to overrun your neighboring moon with spies! Rumored to already have ONE MILLION recruits, the so-called “space agency” has issued the following statement.
Worse yet, they appear to be recruiting just about anyone what wanders along to their Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter website! I personally popped ’round to give ’em the once over, when BLAMMO! I were suddenly snatched up and appointed as a ranking official in their Reconnaissance Squadron (see photo of document). With only six hours left in their recruiting drive, the dangerously planet-hungry fiends what run NASA are bragging that they have already added One Million members to their nefarious reconnaissance organization and they’re going for even more!
It’s too late to save me, but for piracy’s sake, save yourselves!!