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Category Listing for: Pirate Events

2024 PiratePalooza Schedule

This is the complete schedule for the 20th Annual PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing, to be held on Saturday, Octobarrrr 5th, 2024 – Captains: share it with your crews!

We WILL be producing 20th Anniversary Shirts AFTER the Palooza, the design will be revealed in late October. We will be taking online orders with shipping direct to you, and there will NOT be a second run so don’t miss out!

We are VERY excited to announce that this year we will be hosting several additional events around town, to celebrate 20 years of you, the PiratePalooza family. We hope that you will stay tuned and be able to attend at least one of these! And finally, what you’ve been waiting for…

It has become increasingly difficult to invade the port city of Decatarrrr over the past 20 years, and up until tonight all the pieces were not quite in place. But here we are now, time to share the Invasion Plan!!

PiratePalooza #20 (2024): The Invasion Plan

Let’s go ahead and saw off your pegleg now and get it over with – the Brick Store Pub will NOT be a stop on the route for PiratePalooza 20. The restaurant is previously engaged for a private event so we will shake things up a bit this year and add in an extra shore party to make things interesting. (Please do visit the Brick Store Pub on another occasion, as it is a fine establishment with great food and drink and we’ve made many wonderful memories there in the past)

Here is the schedule for the 20th Annual PiratePalooza:

  • 1:30pm – 3:30pm – Twain’s Brewpub & Billiards
  • 3:30pm – 3:45pm – Invasion March
  • 3:45pm – 4:30pm – The Virginia Reel
  • 4:00pm – 6:00pm – O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub
  • 5:00pm – 6:00pm – Shore Party!
  • 7:00pm – 10:00pm – Pub Sing at Wild Heaven

Please Hydrate!

Temperatures should be cooler this time of the year, but grog and ale and porter and rum can sneak up on a person if they ain’t careful, so be sure to HYDRATE for week leading up to the event. This means drink lots of water, not soft drinks and sweet teas – it’s a great and easy way to avoid having a bad day.

Twains 1:30pm – 3:30pm

We will assemble at Twain’s Brewpub & Billiards beginning at 1:30pm. This is the point from which our invasion crawl will commence and this year we’re going to stay longer to enjoy the place – a great opportunity to get a bit of food into your belly before the invasion begins!

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2019 PiratePalooza Schedule

2019 PiratePalooza Schedule graphic

This is the complete schedule for the 15th Annual PiratePalooza Pubcrawl & Pubsing, to be held on Saturday, Septembarrrr 21st, 2019 – Captains: share it with your crews!

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! The world has been on FIRE all month and temperatures will be slightly decreased by the time we challenge the Commodore on the square!! Grog and Ale and Porter and Rum can sneak up on you if you ain’t careful, so be sure to HYDRATE for the next few days. This means DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, not hooch or sodas or teas or salves or unguents!! Squeeze some limes into it, what do we care? If you don’t have water but DO have a lime be sure to yell out “I GOT A LIME!!!”. But hydrate, okay???!!

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2018 Billy Bones Grog-Off in Tybee

2018 Billy Bones Grog-Off Tybee Island Georgia

Bon Vivant and recent dance-off loser Billy Bones returned to Tybee Island, Georgia, last weekend to host the 3rd edition of his wildly popular grog competition on the occasion of the 14th Annual Tybee Island Pirate Festival.  This year Billy’s event took place at the Tybee Beach Pier & Pavilion, to the sound of crashing waves and the shriek of deranged nightgulls circling the crowd of drunken pirates. Defying expectations, Billy was in fact not completely drunk this year, which meant that he remembered to broadcast the proceedings live on Facebook! Continue Reading


Scandal Rocks Tybee Island Haiku Event

Tonight one of the most serious scandals in modern pirate haiku competition was witnessed on the beach at Tybee Island when a pirate identifying himself only as “Wade of the Jennies” challenged one of his smartest and good-looking viewers live-on-the-air to produce a proper haiku for which he would be rewarded with a special Continue Reading


2017 Grog-Off Winners Announced

Winners of the 2017 Grog-Off

Billy Bones just contacted us via pay phone to ask what day it was and to extend his congratulations to the winners of his 2nd Annual Tybee Island Grog-Off, which were inexplicably written in sharpie on his forehead. It took him 15 minutes to read them off to us (he kept running off to read them using a Continue Reading


2017 Billy Bones Grog-Off in Tybee

Billy "Fitzsimmons" Bones to host 2nd Annual Grog-Off at Tybee

Me mate Billy Bones should be arriving at Tybee Island any moment now, ready to host his 2nd Annual Grog-Off, a judged competition between grog aficionados to see who has made the tastiest concoction. As any sailor knows, the recipe for grog has changed down through the ages and from Continue Reading


2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt & Booty Chase


It’s time for the Scavenger Hunt & Booty Chase, m’hearties! Updates will be posted to our Facebook page, our Google+ page and to THIS post on Captain Drew’s blog (so those of you iconoclasts able to resist social media sites will be able to follow along from your bomb shelters). The winners of this year’s scavenger hunt will be announced from the stage at the final stop on the PiratePalooza™ Pubcrawl & Pubsing on September the 20th. All entry information should be emailed to bootychase@piratepalooza.com

Updates are posted below. Check back often!

8:00pm – Monday September 8, 2014
CHALLENGE #1 – 2014 PiratePalooza™ Drink
Create and bestow a name upon a mixed drink recipe for the 2014 PiratePalooza™ Season. Our pirates know their way around the bar, so you’ll have to craft something truly delicious to impress them. Be sure to use ingredients that are widely available, as Tobbias and Isabella will recreate the drinks you submit and taste them for themselves!! They will consider their favorites for use as a signature drink at the final destination of PiratePalooza™! NOTE: This item must be submitted by 1:00pm EST on Wednesday, September 10th.

CHALLENGE #2 – Mutiny!
We need you scurvy lot to tell us a story about the time that YOUR CREW carried out a mutiny aboard The PiratePalooza™, but since we know that none of you can read or write you MUST answer this challenge via some sort of artistic manner! This challenge may be executed in ANY medium, from crayons to Photoshop to video, just don’t write it down… our judges can’t read either 🙁 (Be sure to include your scavenger hunt hosts Tobbias Short and Isabella the Cruel, as they’re pirates and are therefore easily bribed).

CHALLENGE #3 – Secret PiratePalooza™ Greeting
Invent a secret handshake, a special hand motion or similar greeting that will allow members of the PiratePalooza™ crew to secretly yet accurately identify each other in public. Demonstrate this greeting via photographs or video.

CHALLENGE #4 – PiratePalooza™ Limerick
Send us a limerick or two about your crew’s adventures at PiratePalooza!

CHALLENGE #5 – Show Our Host Bars Some Love
The good citizens of Decatarrrr are terrorized by us every Septembarrrr so we thought we should give back to the community using some of YOUR money! Go to one of the 4 restaurants along the Palooza route (look them up!) and have a drink or a meal, be sure to tip your server at least $10 (in pirate coins) and get them to pose in a sexy photo with your crew. IF you live too far away to make this happen then do something similar with a restaurant near you. Please, try not to get arrested.

CHALLENGE #6 – Show Us How You Hide Your Booty!
We want a step-by-step illustration of how and where you hide your booty!

CHALLENGE #7 – The Worst Cake of Ever
Make a REAL (no Photoshop) PiratePalooza™ cake worthy of Cakewrecks.com and send us lots of pictures of the making, the decorating, the final product, the consumption and the aftermath of the cake!

CHALLENGE #8 – Dine with the Captain!
A lot of people don’t realize that a chain of greasy, fried seafood restaurants was named after Captain Drew on a bet. Take your crew to one of these restaurants (Captain D’s) in full garb and get some pictures. Extra ½ point if you get other customers to give Captain Drew feedback about his restaurant. See a cardiologist afterward.

CHALLENGE #9 – The Commodore Song
Write a sea shanty about the ghost of Commodore Stephen Decatur versus the Captain Drew and/or the crew of PiratePalooza™. The winning entry will be turned into a real song by Ed and Steve of Landloch’d and performed during the award ceremony at the Harbour House Pub! NOTE: This item must be submitted by 1:00pm EST on Friday, September 12th.

CHALLENGE #10 – Tell Us YOUR Pirate History
Tell us about YOUR crew, from your (pirate) names to what you’re best known for!

CHALLENGE #11 – Make YOUR Crew’s Flag!!
The PiratePalooza™ flag is known and feared throughout the galaxy, but what about YOUR crew’s flag? PiratePalooza™ is like a Cub Scout Jamboree for pirates, and we’d love to see ALL of the crews bring their flags to PiratePalooza™.

CHALLENGE #12 – The PiratePalooza Piñata
Make a piñata of something to do with PiratePalooza™ then photograph/video yourselves busting it open!! No need to bring your piñata to PiratePalooza™, we won’t have the time or the energy to bust it or clean it up!

CHALLENGE #13 – Selfie with the Captain!
Send us a selfie of one (or all) of your crew WITH or AS Captain Crunch! Be creative!

CHALLENGE #14 – Famous People In (or near) a PiratePalooza T-Shirt
Do you know anyone famous? Can you get them to pose for a picture with (or in) a PiratePalooza™ t-shirt?

BONUS #1 – Surprise us!!
Maybe you’re really having a hard time getting your cake to bake or convincing your Governor to put on a PiratePalooza™ t-shirt. Perhaps you’re not good at rhyming or allergic to the smell of fried fish. This option is for you: do something that’s so ingenious we will be forced to give you extra points!

12:50pm – Monday September 8, 2014
Today we are happy to announce prize sponsors for this year’s event!
1) a gift certificate from The Pirates Cove (link leads to Facebook page) at the Georgia Renaissance Festival (you’ll have to wait until next season to use it)
2) a little special something from O Christmas Geek, fine purveyor of geeky holiday ornaments

Saturday September 6, 2014
1) assemble a team of no more than 4 persons
2) name your team
3) send an email to bootychase @piratepalooza.com with the name of your team and the name of the players


Captain Drew Announces New Annual Scavenger Hunt


A little less than four hours ago Captain Drew held his latest press conference, this time at Lenox Square Mall in Buckhead, a tony in-town Atlanta neighborhood known for upscale businesses and “wenches what has had a lot of work done in their bosom area”. Unlike his previous press conferences, the Captain avoided making a public spectacle by accidentally locking himself in a disused maintenance corridor behind the Victoria’s Secret store. According to the store’s manager, Shasta Glamowitz, the previous sentence may in fact be entirely inaccurate. “That guy carved a peephole in the Continue Reading


Official PiratePalooza™ 2012 Photos are Up!

Thanks to one of our great sponsors, The Guy Behind the Camera, we have uploaded more than 375 terrific photographs (follow this link) documenting this past Saturday’s adventures around the port city of Decatarrrr in our search for Captain Drew’s missing treasure map! See if you can find photos of you and your traitorous pirate pals quaffing ale and dancing the reel! Share them with your friends and be sure to share the link to the gallery. Find a few and have them printed out in high quality to decorate your own ship’s cabin!


#1 Hip Hop Pirate to Release New Album

New Tracks from Captain Dan

Our old pal Captain Dan and his scurvy crew have released 3 new tracks today to celebrate the pending debut of their new album “From the Seas to the Streets” under the Nonexistent Recordings label. Timed to coincide with your planet’s so-called “International Talk Like a Pirate Day“, this pre-release of album tracks marks the third and highly anticipated work from a pirate hip hop artist that has been described as “drunk”, “pirate”, “guy over there” and “behind the rum barrell doing something with the crew’s pig”. If you lubbers don’t be aware of Captain Dan, then you be missing out on perhaps the most important influence on modern piracy since Paris Hilton stopped wearing bloomers and started riding Continue Reading
